Hi, We Are Carina and Philipp!

Nice to meet you 🙂

We are a former travel agent and a web developer, who love to travel the world FAST.

After 10 years of travelling to over 50 countries, we are strong believers that everybody can travel the world – even if it’s two weeks at a time.

Efficient Travel Planning and Personal Updates With Bucketlist2life!

Here’s what you can expect from our biweekly newsletter:

1. Personal Updates

Be the first to know about our upcoming travel plans.
Be informed about our new content including exclusive behind the scenes context.

A preview of our newsletter

2. No Frills Travel Planning Guides and Honest Reviews

In early 2023, we travelled to South East Asia. Before we took off, we did a whole “travel plan with us” series in our newsletter because we thought we had it all figured out.

After we came back, we realised that we in fact did make some planning mistakes (don’t worry most things worked out exactly as planned) which prompted us to write a whole new “plan vs. reality” newsletter series.

Here’s an excerpt from our newsletter:

14. Research Must Eat Foods

This might have been our biggest planning mistake of them all: We arrived in Vietnam during Tet. Tet celebrates the arrival of spring and is the most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. This means that many shops and restaurants are closed for a full week. We could neither try out all the restaurants we had planned to in Hanoi nor go on a food tour.

Research the holidays of your destination!

3. Exclusive Behind the Scenes Looks

Sometimes we take trips that never make it to a blogpost (or even a social media post). Only our newsletter subscribers know that we’ve been to Schottland this year.

A picture of Carina and Philipp enjoying a mountain view

4. Product Launches

Our first product might be years in the making but we promise that you will be the first to know when it’s out.

We want to take you on the journey from idea to travel plan or in other words from bucketlist to life.