Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers

Looking for the Perfect Gift for Your Travel Friends?

Don't look further. It's our paperless and achievable Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers!

Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers

Our Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers is the perfect gift for your travel-enthusiastic friends. It is completely paperless, all goals are achievable and it comes with a pretty gift voucher that you can send to your friends.

7 Reasons why Goals is the perfect choice

  • I's Paper-Free and You Can Use It on Every Device

  • It's not about locations but about goals!

  • It's not just for full-time travellers!

  • You can use it from everywhere!

  • It's for every budget!

  • There are different levels!

  • It comes with a pretty gift voucher!

12,99 EUR

7,99 EUR

7 Reasons Why Our Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers is the Perfect Choice

1. I's Paper-Free and You Can Use It on Every Device!

Travellers want to carry as little as possible. Our handy Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers can't get wet or lost – and it weighs nothing.

Yes, there are plenty of bucket lists online, but do you really want to carry around a printed out PDF? We don't think so!

2. It's not About Locations but About Goals!

Our Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers does not focus on specific locations but on customisable goals which can actually be checked within a year.

We all know bucket lists that tell you to visit the Eiffel Tower in France, the Pyramids of Gizah in Egypt, the Grand Canyon in the USA, the Taj Mahal in India, and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. While this is all nice and well, most of us don't have the time and money to achieve this – let alone within a year.

Level 1

3. It's Not Just for Full-Time Travellers!

Our Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers focuses heavily on experiences you can have everywhere – even in your hometown. We want to encourage you to make the best of your everyday life. You don't have to travel far and spend a lot of money to have new experiences!

Not all of us have the time and money to travel full-time. This doesn't mean that your everyday life always needs to be the same!

Level 2

4. You Can Use it From Everywhere!

As our Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers does not focus on specific locations, you can use it literally anywhere – be it in Europe, America, Asia, Africa, or Australia.

Yes, we could tell you to hike Ijen Volcano because it was on our bucketlist. But one does not fit all. Maybe Indonesia is very far away from you and you're not even that interested in volcanoes – therefore we created a bucketlist you can adapt to your location and interests!

Level 3

5. It's for Every Budget!

Let's be honest: Not everybody can spend huge amounts of money on travelling. Hence we always give you options you can achieve on every budget.

If you ask us, life would be perfect if it was an endless series of all-inclusive stays, cruises, overwater bungalows and glamping but we cannot afford it. In case you cannot either, you can easily adjust our Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers to your budget – and splurge every once in a while!

6. There Are Different Levels!

The scope of our Goals Digital Bucketlist for Travellers can be adjusted. We provide you with different levels, which can be completed simultaneously:

Level 1: Can (but doesn't have to) be checked in your home.

Level 2: Can (but doesn't have to) be checked in your home town or very close by.

Level 3: Definitively takes a bit of travelling but you can decide how far.

Level 4: Really challenges you. For this one you have to put in a bit of effort and really travel.

Level 4

7. It Comes With a Pretty Gift Voucher

If you don't want to show up literally empty handed, we provide you with a handy gift voucher.